landscapes are culture before they are nature; constructs of the imagination projected onto wood and water and rock...
Simon Schama in Landscape and Memory

What Can I tell You… For 25 years I worked in Hospitality while I dabbled in this and that on the side, collecting a Bachelors degree in Applied Maths, a Master Degree in Environmental Science, an Associated Diploma in Hotel Management and now studying again doing Graphic Design. Now I am what you would call a ‘creative type’… Go figure!
I also developed a passionate (and some what expensive) interest in geology, unique minerals & crystals. I like listening to classical music and jazz and some of the new Indie stuff is pretty cool as well. I love new ideas and taking pictures… obviously! So that brings me to photography. Its like the holy grail of interests… There is always more to learn, explore and develop. Both in terms of technical skills and artistic expression. For the first time in my life I know that this is what I want to do and I can’t imagine my life without it…
I currently use a Fuji XE-1, but my aim is to save for a medium format technical camera with a digital back… I can generally be found where-ever interesting shots are found and where good coffee is had.
What else… Oh yeah. I dream of all the things to come